Delivery Options

Call us to discuss options for the delivery of your puppy. Options can include meeting you at one of the nearby airports or for a fee, shipping your puppy directly to you.

We no longer have Wheaten Terrier Puppies available.  Give us a call to get on our waiting list for our next litter.  We anticipate our next litter will be born in January or February of 2025.  Call: 307-527-7780

Contact us to learn more about our puppies. 
Please call us at 307-527-7780.

Our AKC Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Parents

Our AKC Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Sire


Our AKC Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Damsel


All of our puppies have been sold.  Check back with us in January or February of 2025 for our next litter.  Give us a call now 307-527-7780, to get on our waiting list.

Call us today to learn more about our AKC Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier Puppies.

Yellow Collar Male


Green Collar Male


Black Collar Male


Orange Collar Male


Royal Blue Collar Male


Light Blue Collar Male


Lavender Collar Female


Pink Collar Female